Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. I

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¿Cómo protege la Norma de Protección de los Trabajadores (NPT) a los trabajadores agrícolas?

Agricultural work can be rough on the body, not only because of the physical labor involved but also because of the dangerous chemicals used in farm work. Many pesticides commercial farms use to protect crops are dangerous to workers, so the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enforces the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) to prevent and reduce pesticide-related farming injuries....

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¿Cuál es el salario medio de los trabajadores agrícolas en California?

Farm work is difficult, and agricultural employees should ensure that their employers adequately pay them. The average wage for farm workers in California varies by the characteristics of the worker and the kind of farming work they do. There are also several laws that require agricultural employers to pay their workers a minimum wage. In this article, we review...

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Leyes sobre horas extraordinarias en California

Overtime laws in California exist to ensure that employers pay their employees fairly for the time they work beyond their regular hours. However, despite these legal protections, overtime violations in California occur regularly. Fortunately, California is known for its progressive labor laws, and its overtime regulations are no exception. Hiring an experienced and compassionate California overtime violation lawyer can...

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Leyes de baja por incapacidad durante el embarazo en California

The Golden State, home to sun, surf, majestic redwood forests, and a growing tech industry, also prides itself on its pregnancy-friendly workforce. If you’re an expecting parent, you should know that California has established pregnancy disability leave laws to protect women who need time off during or after a pregnancy. If you have questions or concerns about pregnancy disability...

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Estudio de un caso de liquidación de 1,2 millones de dólares

Bibiyan Law Group secured a big win on behalf of Cecil Reyes and 569 similarly situated current and former workers at Imperial Sprinkler Supply, Inc. Thanks to the bravery, hard work, and dedication of Cecil, the other class members, David Bibiyan, and the outstanding legal team at Bibiyan Law Group, Imperial Sprinkler settled the case for $1.2 million. The...

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Bibiyan aparece en un artículo de Law360

In a recent Law360 article, a case of Bibiyan Law Group’s was featured due to its unraveling legal circumstances. As the client’s lead attorney, David Bibiyan was quoted giving his legal perspective on the case–responding to a decision made by the California Court of Appeals. To learn more about the highlighted case, read the article “Calif. Panel Says Unsigned...

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Cómo presentar una demanda por discriminación racial

Racial discrimination is a genuine threat to many of us in the workplace. In fact, the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) reported that out of the 61,331 discrimination charges received in 2021, 34.1% were racial discrimination charges. If you have been a victim of discrimination, you can file a racial discrimination lawsuit or administrative complaint against your workplace,...

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¿Es necesario un preaviso de dos semanas en California?

Two weeks’ notice. That is the mantra we often hear when someone is contemplating leaving their job. But is giving 2 weeks’ notice always necessary before you quit a job in California? This amount of forewarning—while it might be a nice thing to do—is not required by law. However, there are some exceptions to this, and (regardless of the...

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