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¿Qué es el despido constructivo?

Constructive discharge, also commonly known as constructive dismissal or constructive termination, is when an employer creates hostile, inappropriate, or unbearable working conditions that force an employee to resign. Although......

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Leyes de baja por paternidad en California

California paternity leave laws support new fathers. If you’re a father-to-be or have recently become a dad in the Golden State, it is essential to understand these laws and......

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Cómo presentar una reclamación por robo de salario en California

If your employer pays you less than you are entitled to, it has committed wage theft. You can combat wage theft and recoup your missing wages and penalties if......

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Ley del salario mínimo en California

California, known for its progressive employment laws, has minimum wage regulations that often provide greater protections than federal laws. In this article, we’ll delve into minimum wage law in......

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Leyes sobre asientos en el lugar de trabajo en California: Una guía

Workplace conditions play a significant role in your workplace well-being and productivity. This includes noise, air quality, lighting, and seating arrangements. Sitting accommodations may not be the first thing......

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Leyes de California sobre el uso compartido de propinas

If you work in the service industry or at a job that allows gratuities, you might rely on your hard-earned tips to make ends meet. Given the importance of......

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¿Es legal en California que los empresarios paguen por debajo de la mesa?

Often, when an employer pays an employee in cash, they pay them “under the table,” a shorthand for paying the employee without deducting or withholding anything. It is illegal......

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¿Reciben prestaciones laborales los trabajadores del campo? 

Yes, field workers have the right to receive multiple benefits. Employees can sue for damages when an agricultural employer violates state or federal labor laws.  Talk to Bibiyan Law......

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¿Cómo afecta el Título 42 a los trabajadores inmigrantes en California?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Trump Administration began enforcing a little-used provision of US law, known as Title 42, to send people who crossed the southern US-Mexico border back......

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